Thursday, June 3, 2010

Obama says he's furious about oil spill but loves 'best job on Earth'

On Larry King on Thursday Obama told Larry that he is furious about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But he also said that him getting mad and yelling at everyone won't help the situation and that we all need to work on a solution for this major problem that is occuring down south. Larry said his most recent approval rating was at 48%, and Obama considered that to be pretty good considering the circumstances that he is under and all the events that are happening in the United States and the World. Obama stated that he was furious because someone did not think through the consequences of their actions and it ended up costing the environment and the nation big time. He said that BP is accountable for all the costs that will happen to fix this mess and he is there to make sure that they pay it all and find a solution to the problem.

I think that Obama is in the right here. Who wouldn't get a little mad at this type of horrific event? He has to make sure that BP is the one's responsible for this event and that the U.S doesn't have to bail out a company that is destroying the environment for all of us. This is one of the biggest natural disasters that has ever happened so BP should not get any help in paying for it but the country will certainly help clean up their mess so that we can go out and enjoy the outdoors again and the fisherman and many others can get back to work and start making money for their families again.

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