Tuesday, June 1, 2010

BP guides new cap toward spewing well

On Thursday robot submarines steered a new cap towards the broken undersea oil well. This is the latest attempt from BP to stop the spewing oil from continuing to come into the ocean at a big rate. Earlier in the day Thursday they cut away the remains of the damaged cap in order to make room for the cap they are planning to put on. The cap is nearly 5,000 ft. below the surface which makes visibility very slim and also makes it hard to do anything. The original plan was to use a diamond cutter which would have left a very nice cut and made a nice seal, but the plan failed and they had to resort to more of a sheers cutter that won't create as nice of a seal but it will suck up a lot of the oil.

I think that this is a fairly good idea. Something has to be done to stop this oil from gushing into the ocean. Any idea is a good idea at this point and I am very much hoping that this plan will work successfully. Even if the cap does not get all the oil it's still way better than what it is right now. I think it's kind of pathetic how BP is asking anyone in the country for solutions to their screw up. They should have many many back up plans for a disaster for this but they don't, they failed. But it's time to move past the blame game and get the problem fixed and save the environment.

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