In every world cup that is held every four years there is always controversy over the ball that is used. The past three world cups there was controversy, one was said to be too heavy and one was too light and one was too bouncy. This years official ball was given to the teams and again, controversy. Spain's goal keeper said that the ball is very close to a beach ball. Not good. The players are saying that undoubtedly there will be goals scored with this ball that could not be scored with the normal balls they use in their home countries. Other players are saying that the balls are very unpredictable in the air and the lightweight ball is very hard to control.
I think that this is ridiculous for the players to be so against the ball they are using. There is no way that the maker of the ball is going to be able to satisfy every single country that is in the cup. They made a very aerodynamic ball that uses a lot of technology. The teams should be able to get used to the new ball after a few practices. Then the playing field is even, everyone is going to have to use the same ball so no one can put up a legitimate complaint about how the ball isn't exactly what they wanted. Just go out there and have fun with the ball you are given and make your country proud.
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