Thursday, June 3, 2010

Obama says he's furious about oil spill but loves 'best job on Earth'

On Larry King on Thursday Obama told Larry that he is furious about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But he also said that him getting mad and yelling at everyone won't help the situation and that we all need to work on a solution for this major problem that is occuring down south. Larry said his most recent approval rating was at 48%, and Obama considered that to be pretty good considering the circumstances that he is under and all the events that are happening in the United States and the World. Obama stated that he was furious because someone did not think through the consequences of their actions and it ended up costing the environment and the nation big time. He said that BP is accountable for all the costs that will happen to fix this mess and he is there to make sure that they pay it all and find a solution to the problem.

I think that Obama is in the right here. Who wouldn't get a little mad at this type of horrific event? He has to make sure that BP is the one's responsible for this event and that the U.S doesn't have to bail out a company that is destroying the environment for all of us. This is one of the biggest natural disasters that has ever happened so BP should not get any help in paying for it but the country will certainly help clean up their mess so that we can go out and enjoy the outdoors again and the fisherman and many others can get back to work and start making money for their families again.

Ohio court: Police estimates of speeders good enough for conviction

A new law has been put in effect where a police estimation of how fast you were going is good enough to issue a speeding ticket. An officer can simply guess the speed a motorist is going and then proceed to give them a ticket with no visual proof of the speed they were driving. A court case named "City of Barberton vs. Jenney" played a key role in this law. Jenney claimed he wasn't speeding and the officer had no proof of his radar gun certificate. After that the cop said he has had many years of experience and knew for a fact that the driver was speeding. The officer won the case and Jenney paid the $170.00 fine.

I think that this law is terrible. In ANY court case there should have to be proof from each side to prove their point, it shouldn't be one persons word vs. the other. In this case, the police officers word is obviously going to stand up better against a normal civilians. I think that this is wrong and if the cop had no proof that he was speeding the motorist shouldn't have to pay a fine and should be free to go.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Controversy over new World Cup ball

In every world cup that is held every four years there is always controversy over the ball that is used. The past three world cups there was controversy, one was said to be too heavy and one was too light and one was too bouncy. This years official ball was given to the teams and again, controversy. Spain's goal keeper said that the ball is very close to a beach ball. Not good. The players are saying that undoubtedly there will be goals scored with this ball that could not be scored with the normal balls they use in their home countries. Other players are saying that the balls are very unpredictable in the air and the lightweight ball is very hard to control.

I think that this is ridiculous for the players to be so against the ball they are using. There is no way that the maker of the ball is going to be able to satisfy every single country that is in the cup. They made a very aerodynamic ball that uses a lot of technology. The teams should be able to get used to the new ball after a few practices. Then the playing field is even, everyone is going to have to use the same ball so no one can put up a legitimate complaint about how the ball isn't exactly what they wanted. Just go out there and have fun with the ball you are given and make your country proud.

BP guides new cap toward spewing well

On Thursday robot submarines steered a new cap towards the broken undersea oil well. This is the latest attempt from BP to stop the spewing oil from continuing to come into the ocean at a big rate. Earlier in the day Thursday they cut away the remains of the damaged cap in order to make room for the cap they are planning to put on. The cap is nearly 5,000 ft. below the surface which makes visibility very slim and also makes it hard to do anything. The original plan was to use a diamond cutter which would have left a very nice cut and made a nice seal, but the plan failed and they had to resort to more of a sheers cutter that won't create as nice of a seal but it will suck up a lot of the oil.

I think that this is a fairly good idea. Something has to be done to stop this oil from gushing into the ocean. Any idea is a good idea at this point and I am very much hoping that this plan will work successfully. Even if the cap does not get all the oil it's still way better than what it is right now. I think it's kind of pathetic how BP is asking anyone in the country for solutions to their screw up. They should have many many back up plans for a disaster for this but they don't, they failed. But it's time to move past the blame game and get the problem fixed and save the environment.