Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Patches of oil spotted near Louisiana bayous

Authorities battled the Gulf of Mexico's oil spill as it nears the Louisiana Bayous. The oil is now within two miles of the shoreline. An oyster fisherman spotted an oil sheen 40 miles southeast of New Orleans. Fisherman from all walks of life are being trained in on how to keep oil away from the precious marshes and swamplands of the Louisiana coastline. Volunteers, wildlife officials and National Guard troops are also putting floating booms along the beaches and shorelines to try and prevent the oil from reaching the shoreline. BP has plans to deploy a containment chamber on top of the broken oil pipe. This would hopefully contain the spilling oil that is rapidly spewing out of the ocean floor. Eventually they will have another rig built next to it to permanently contain all the oil and get all the oil going where it is supposed to go.

I think that this spill is just terrible. There is no reason why this should ever happen. BP should have done something a long time ago that would have prevented such an event from ever happening. We live in a world today that is so environmentally friendly and is trying to make the world a better place for us all to live in. Then something like this happens and it completely reverses all our efforts that have been put in place over the last few years. The government will now have to step in and put restrictions and mandates that will require all oil companies to put restrictions and emergency stoppers on all oil rigs. Which in return will cause oil prices to go up and our gas prices to rise yet again.

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