Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Autopsy: SeaWorld trainer died from drowning, traumatic injuries

The autopsy report for the SeaWorld trainer that was killed at work have been released. She was drug under water by a 12,000 lb killer whale. She was killed on February 24th while working with a whale named "Tilikum". The whale grabbed her by her pony tail and drug her under water. It is reported that her spine was severed. Also she had fractures to her vertebrae, ribs, and her jawbone. Rescuers were not able to reach her right away because of the whales aggressive nature. Her body was finally recovered forty minutes later from the pool. This whale has been linked to two other casualties but SeaWorld has said that they have no intentions of getting rid of this whale because it is normally very kind and playful.

I think that if this whale has caused two other casualties there must be something done with it. It is clearly dangerous and is a hazard for the trainers to be near it. I know i wouldn't feel safe if I knew that the whale had killed three people in it's lifetime. I know that they can't just get rid f the whale or kill it because animal rights people would be very upset with that decision. But I think that more training or something has to be done to give this whale more anger management because it is a risk to the trainers the way it is right now.

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