Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Federal Budget Issue # 2

Spending what we can't afford. In 2007 Congress passed pay as you go budgeting. It requires that any tax increases in entitlement spending must be offset with spending reductions in other places in the budget. People who are for this say that it is necessary to show that congress understands that deficits matter and should be contained. On the other hand opponents to it say that it is the wrong approach, they say that instead of limiting spending, paygo will merely result in raising taxes in new programs which will hurt the U.S economy.

I am for this solution that was put in place by congress. If they want to pass a new bill or law that will effect the budget they will now have to realize that the bill or law will effect another part of the economy any will have a new tax added on. I think it will eliminate spending that is unnecessary and will help out our budget over time.

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